Friday, January 17, 2014

Monday Matters - Gun Control Political Cartoons

This a political cartoon, related to my chosen issue of gun control, that I quite like because I think it does a pretty good job of refuting a common counter-argument. The stated counter argument will often be as follows: The 2nd amendment states the 'right to bear arms', therefore any gun control measures are unconstitutional. Of course. Except that the constitution was written century's ago. What's more is the constitutional was originally down with slaverly. So it's hardly like the constitution is this supreme text that is so holy it can't be altered. Unless of course, the ones who think it's unconstitutional to change it now, would have thought the same back then.

This is another political cartoon which I also think is very effective. This too is another refutation of the arguments proposed by anti-gun law proponents. It deals with a similar issue raised as the piece above: that gun control is unconstitutional. This piece attacks the idea that guns are a measure against tyrannical governments. This piece wisely points out, the clear discrepancy of guns' apparent purpose, and their actual effects.
This third piece is pretty self-explanatory. Some say violence stemming from modern video games is the reason behind all the killing. Although video games probably don't help, they are not the end all, and guns are just the medium.

All these sources come from:

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