Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Matters: NEW - Guns

The controversial topic I have chosen to follow is Gun Laws in the United States of America.

Push harder for gun-law changes
- Scot Lehigh
- Boston Globe

The shooting at the Washington military base was surprising, yet foreseeable. Mass shootings have became a staple in America, and the question now is simply where will the next one be, and how bad will it be?
More than 600,000 Americans have died since 1995 from gun violence. It should be noted however that half the annual gun deaths are suicidal, but still the numbers are quite remarkable.

The answer of course should start with the implementation of new laws. Background checks of the recipient for the sale of guns through all forms of distribution. Bills like the Manchin-Toomey bill detail this. "Expanded background checks" already have a majority support in the Senate, (as they should) the problem is  though "that such a bill doesn’t yet have the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster".

One gun-law advocate states in reference to the needed laws: “We can’t confidently predict the date, but it will happen when the American public brings its voice to bear,”

The law does however need to be expanded, so it can reject men likely to commit atrocities like the Washington shooting, by denying them purchase on the means of some check on mental stability. This check could be done my requiring the customer to have ability insurance.

Gun Laws have to continued to be pushed, it is imperative.


  1. interesting topic, do you believe that regulation is the answer? or will regulation only increase the incentive for a larger black market?

  2. I think regulation is, at least to some extent, the answer. Regulation might increase the black market. However, I think what regulation would do is reduce mass murders, because often the ones who commit mass murder, lack the social capabilities to purchase the required firearms. For example I doubt the Sandy Hook gun incident would have happened if there was stricter gun control.
