Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Matters: Columnist .2

Obamacare, Failing Ahead of Schedule

Obamacare has gotten off to a rough start.
The issue is none of the one's predicted, but rather that the medium, the website, doesn't work well (odd, considering, the internet is supposed to be Obama's administration's domain).
If this doesn't get fixed, the system will collapse.

The system will collapse because "The system’s sustainability depends on getting enough healthy people to sign up" if not enough people sign up insurers “will have to raise everyone’s premiums"   and then "the Rising premiums prompt people to drop out, causing premiums to increase even more.” This has been deemed a "death spiral".
The issue is on both ends of the system: the front, where people are supposed to shop for plans, and the back, where insurers are supposed to process applications.
The white house can't work too slow to fix the problem, otherwise it will collapse.

How likely is it to actually be a disaster?


  1. Why shouldn't presidents expand their domain to the internet? Might increase government transparency...

  2. That sounded like I was really critical. Solid explanation, those were just my questions :P
